Photo - Hugs contribute to a child's intellectual, physical, and emotional development

Hugs contribute to a child's intellectual, physical, and emotional development


When you embrace your child, remember that your parental hugs are also therapeutic for your little one. Make hugging a daily beneficial habit in your family. Happy hugs promote a child's intellectual, physical, and emotional growth.

Recent scientific studies confirm the importance of hugs in a child's growth.

Scientific evidence shows that frequent hugs activate intense brain responses and enhance children's development. Therefore, expressing love and care through hugs not only signifies your kindness and tenderness but also brings immense benefits to the child. Research highlights that ordinary hugs have a significant impact on brain activity. During hugs, a substantial amount of oxytocin, the hormone responsible for a good mood, fatigue reduction, and heart health, is produced. Furthermore, an increase in oxytocin levels in a child's body leads to a significant growth hormone boost!

A child who receives rare or no hugs develops more slowly, lacks self-confidence, is prone to sudden mood swings, and faces difficulties in interacting with peers.

Child psychologists observed infants raised in childcare facilities who were seldom held or hugged. Most of their time was spent lying in their cribs. They were fed using bottles, with minimal human interaction. Later in life, these children encountered numerous problems, including developmental delays.

Hugs are not just a pleasant gesture; they are a vital aspect of a child's harmonious growth and development. How many times a day should you hug a child?

Experts and child psychologists recommend hugging children more than criticizing or reprimanding them. Try to calm a child with hugs rather than sharp words, even if your child is a teenager!

Remember when raising a child:

  • Criticism makes a child ungrateful.
  • Ridicule makes them introverted.
  • Praise fosters nobility.
  • Support teaches them to value themselves.
  • Reprimands develop feelings of guilt.
  • Tolerance teaches understanding of others.
  • Honesty makes them fair.
  • Safety instills trust in people.
  • Hostility encourages aggression.
  • Understanding and kindness teach them to find love in this world.

So, hug your children as often as possible, and they will grow up happy and intelligent!